Hydrotec Water and Environment Engineers GmbH

Making Floods Computable

Hydrotec develops software products for hydronumerical and hydrological modelling as well as operational forecasting systems, database systems and web applications. We are experts in flood and heavy rainfall risk management and water-related climate change resilience concepts.

Our clients are federal or state ministries, state agencies, public water authorities and water boards, district and local administrations as well as expert offices from Germany and from countries all over the world.

Software Products

Hydrotec develops and distributes high-performance software and web systems for water management, flood risk management and for processing geographical environmental data.

Our development follows the central principles: Openness and integration. Integration of professional requirements and application of robust, open software technology.

We offer software licences, software leasing and maintenance, training, hotline and regular user meetings and workshops.

HydroAS - 2D Hydrodynamic Simulation Model

Hydrodynamic Flow & Transport Modeling

HydroAS offers a wide range of applications in hydrodynamic river and costal simulation as well as urban flash flood modeling. It is based on the numerical solution of the shallow water equations using the Finite-Volume-Method. With additional modules for bed load transport up to 12 grain dimensions, wash load and pollution / heat transport can be applied. Highly transient processes, such as in the case of dam break wave propagation, can be successfully simulated.

Services for Water Management

Hydraulics and Hydrology

River Basin Management

Flood Protection & Warning

Software and Web development

About us

Hydrotec is a consulting firm focusing on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of water resources systems and environmental issues as well as data ascertainment, planning of water resources management projects, project management, public relations and the development and marketing of water resources management software.

Founded in 1981 Hydrotec today has about 60 employees in its two offices at Aachen and Essen  (Germany). The Hydrotec team includes highly qualified civil engineers, geographers, physicists, biologists, mathematicians and computer scientists.

International partners

In order to complete our palette of software-programs, we contracted commercial partnerships with highly qualified and well known software developers. Our customers’ benefit is to get high quality software-tools combined with Hydrotec’s expert knowledge on water management and software development.


Esri Inc.
Redlands, California (USA)


Delft, The Netherlands

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Your contact

Rainer Räder

Tel.:  +49 (0)241–9 46 89–0

E-Mail: Rainer.Raeder(at)hydrotec.de